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Sowing into Revival

Giving is such a vital part of fueling revival.  It is what allows us to meet the material demands associated with leading a Move of GOD. There are both spiritual and natural needs to consider as you advance the Kingdom of GOD.  Even JESUS and the disciples had to be aware of the financial and physical needs of the ministry.  As each person sows into the Move of the SPIRIT, they are sowing into the lives of those being impacted by what the LORD is doing.  

      When we give, we are giving ourselves and our time over to the Spirit of Revival which is the Holy Spirit. Moreover, revival makes it possible to fund the task of disciple-making and helping people grow in CHRISTLIKENESS. The more disciples we have the more the fire of revival will keep burning. The Holy Spirit often uses human actions, particularly generosity, to stimulate revival. So, generosity is one sure sign that our hearts are changed and that we are no longer living as though we are LORD over our lives and possessions.
