Elderly Love

What are we doing?

Elderly Love is about showing love to those in retirement homes, nursing homes, and senior living communities. Statistics show that there is 1.4 million people currently living in U.S. nursing homes. Understanding their loneliness’, their loss of possessions, family, and friends is crucial to show the affection needed for our almost forgotten generation.

Why are we doing this?

We are compassionate for those GOD is compassionate about. We also understand that they are not burdens but blessings. Our question is, “why not?”

*Psalm 71:9, “Do not cast me in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.”

Who can do it?

Anyone can show compassion but not everyone will. In saying that, we are looking for people of all ages to show love. Everyone can get involved, as far as children, they need parents/guardians permission. This can also be done as a family, individually, or as a group. If you have love, share it.

How can it be done?

There are many ways that we can show compassion to the elderly people. Here are a couple of ways:

1.     Find out what retirement home, nursing home, or senior living community is near you, if distance is a hindrance. (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANY RESOURCES NEEDED FOR THIS VISIT)

2.     Get in contact with the human resource or management of the facility you are interested in blessing and let them know you are wanting to pay a visit and what the visit entails.

3.     Pick a day or check the day your group will be doing this campaign and mark it down, so you won’t forget.

4.     Gather your group, go over any policies, protocol and safety procedures that need to be followed.

5.     Have fun. Show love. Make it unforgettable.

Where can it be done?

This campaign can be done in any facility that gives the authorized permission to do so. Make sure you contact the facilities management, or human resources ahead of time before you make any plans.

When can it be done?

This campaign can be done anytime of the year as long as the facility is available, and the weather is suitable.